Contact Us

This Contact Form is not considered "secure" but can be used to contact our office about non-confidential topics, such as an address change or a general question about the practice. If you need to schedule an appointment, refill a medication, or need to communicate to the office about your health, please call the office directly at 503-371-3232.

Another option for current patients is to sign up for Patient Portal which will allow for secure communication with West Salem Family Practice. Call or stop by the office for more details.


Monday thru Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Make an Appointment

Appointments: (503) 371-3232
Fax: (503) 375-2398
Business Office: (503) 371-0145
Referrals: (503) 371-3232


We are located off of Wallace Road in West Salem. If you would like customized directions just click on the map to load a Google Maps page.

West Salem Family Practice map

Contact Form

*Required Fields


If you need an immediate response, please call the office directly. Sending messages via the website may take a few days to process.


New Patient Request

Due to the high number of new patient requests, I understand that I will only be contacted if I have been accepted as a new patient.

New Patient Request

Please note that processing time usually takes about five business days to complete and then we will contact the person making the request.

Note: If you are a current patient and are in need of immediate assistance, please call the office rather than using the contact form. Thank you.